Desarrollo de Sistemas Informáticos

3º. 2º cuatrimestre. Itinerario de Tecnologías de la Información. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Curso 2019/2020

Organization ULL-ESIT-DSI-1920   Github Classroom DSI   Campus Virtual DSI   Profesores Casiano , Vicente , Manz

Table of Contents

git pull all

Plan de Trabajo

  1. See git-pull-all
  2. Make a fork
  3. Solve the issue Add more than just ‘git pull’ #3 but writing a git-all-fetch npm module
  4. Write tests to check the validity of your work
  5. Write a GitHub Action to add CI
  6. Publish your module at GitHub Registry inside this subject organization

git all

Lo ideal sería tener una serie de comandos all:


acepting exactly the options than their corresponding one-repo commands.

A real-life example is git-remove-token a script I had to write to manage the downloads of students lab with GH Classroom:

[~/.../PLgrado/eloquentjsegg(inicial)]$ cat /usr/local/bin/git-remove-token
git remote set-url origin $(git remote -v | head -n 1  | grep -o 'github\.com.*git' | awk '{print "https://"$1}')


This is a different task per student. A group will make git-all-pull and another git-all-remote, etc.


git assignment clone ORGANIZATION/assignment-prefix

crea un repo con submodulos los repos de esa asignación

list of github students to download in a file


Crearía un repo con submódulos los repos que están en el directorio


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